Forecasters: warming in the Maritime region will be short
Today, March 22 the weather in Primorye determine the atmospheric fronts. The region places a small, moderate snow in the north. Wind north, north-western moderate to strong. The temperature -8 +4 ТА C.
In Vladivostok Mostly cloudy in the morning was sunny. Wind northwest strong. Air temperature 0 +2 ТА C. Radiation levels 11 mR /hr.
B Ussuriysk partly cloudy, light snow. Wind northwest strong. The temperature -1 +1 ТА C.
In Nakhodka, partly cloudy, without precipitation. Wind northwest, north strong. Air temperature 0 +2 ТА C.
That night, the south wind brought into the territory of another portion of the edge of warmer air. Across the province was 5.7 ТА C warmer. Place last rainfall. But the victory of spring is very short. On Friday during the day fronts leave Primorye. Following them to the south of the Far East from the north invaded the next portion of the cold air, which will lead to a reduction in the Maritime region as night and day temperatures.
In the coming weekend in Primorye won again winter. Maintained flow of cold air from Yakutia, so it will be pretty cool. In continental regions colder at night to -8 -23 ТА C on the coast will be -5 -10 oC. Daytime temperatures are expected background from 3 to -9 ТА C in the different areas of the province. Precipitation in some places in the Maritime region will take place in the night of 23 March. Most parts of the region is expected to weather with variable cloudiness, on Saturday afternoon, March 23 remains a possibility of snowfall only in the north region.
In Vladivostok, 23 and 24 the weather will be variable cloudiness, precipitation is expected. At night, the temperature will drop to -6 -9 ТА C. Saturday afternoon with gusty north wind daytime temperature is weakly negative. Sunday will be more comfortable: the wind dies down, the air is warmed to 0 oC.
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