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The Ministry of Finance will announce more expensive luxury cars 6000000

The Ministry of Finance will announce more expensive luxury cars 6000000 Photo: Lenta.ru

The Ministry of Finance would amend a bill on luxury tax, which will introduce higher rates of fees for cars more expensive six million rubles. This was in a room on March 20 the newspaper "Vedomosti", citing sources in the federal structures.

According to sources of publication, the cost of cars finally threshold at which vehicles would be considered a luxury, not yet defined. Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Alexey Rakhmanov told the newspaper that the list of cars that fall under the tax on luxury, Industry and Trade Ministry will prepare and price threshold determines the Finance Ministry.

He noted that the conditions for the inclusion in the list of luxury cars have not yet worked out, but officials will try to make one and the same car with minor alterations do not fall into different categories. Government sources told the newspaper that the payment of tax on luxury may release seventh series BMW and Mercedes S-Class, as they are not "a luxury but a means of transportation for business", and under the tax should get machines that are "ostentatious luxury" .

Initially, the tax on luxury cars offered to bind to power vehicles. The bill was drafted in June of last year. In particular, for vehicles with capacity over 410 horsepower proposed to increase the current rate of 20. However, in February 2013 the Ministry of Finance said that would take as a reference value of the car and will rewrite the bill.

Опубликовано:   20-03-2013, 10:25      |      Категория:  eng news

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