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Tourists are not allowed to go to Sri Lanka because of a tattoo with Buddha

Tourists are not allowed to go to Sri Lanka because of a tattoo with Buddha Photo: NTV.ru

Sri Lankan guards were not allowed on the island a tourist from the UK, fearing for his well-being: the traveler's hand is a depiction of the Buddha.

Tourists from the UK have deployed at the airport of Sri Lanka and sent home because of his tattoos. On the hand of a man depicted Buddha, which, according to the local population, shows a lack of respect for Buddhism.

As explained by the representative of the local migration service, the tourist would be in a serious danger, getting it to the island with his tattoo. Sri Lankans are extremely harsh and negative reaction to the lack of respect for their religion, according to BBC.

Thus, the three visitors from France in 2012 received a suspended sentence for failure photo: tourists took pictures with the statue of the Buddha, representing like kissing her.

Опубликовано:   17-03-2013, 03:36      |      Категория:  eng news

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