Vladivostok Duma took a step towards the revival of the voluntary squads
Vladivostok Duma deputy from the LDPR Andrew Andreichenko apparatus presented amendments to the Regulations on Protection Team of public order.
The fact that the Duma Vladivostok decided to create voluntary national teams to maintain order on the streets is September 92008. However, the idea remained on paper.
- Of course, people's guards could help the district However, except ChOPov Cossacks and nobody has expressed the desire to go into active combatants. Today, unfortunately, there is no legislation, the right of vigilantes - The day before the proposal of the deputy head of the police department complained Vladivostok Alexander Babakin. - We are ready to co-operate on this issue.
Andrew Andreichenko responded to the proposal and amended the MPA "Regulations on the Protection Team of public order in Vladivostok."
- We want to remove administrative barriers and bring the city in line with the position of the boundary by the participation of communities in the protection of public order, - Said the proponent of the bill. - I've talked to a number of organizations, which, after the entry into force of amendments have expressed a desire to join the PSD in order to protect the residents of Vladivostok.
According to Andreichenko, the main task teams - patrolling the city in the evening and at night, to prevent street crime.
- Under the current situation patrol ends at eleven at night. But let's be realistic - the majority of crimes committed between midnight and four in the morning, this is confirmed by the study of lawyers - Said the deputy.
According to him, the amendment does not require additional costs shall be covered by the budget of Vladivostok.
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