Scientists at Primorsky Krai summed up the one-time accounting leopard on the trail in the snow. Pleasantly pleased with the results - experts have counted about 50 animals, it is one and a half times more than five years ago.
Leopard in white gloves
"Accounting for the leopard in 2013 conducted by the traditional method based on the measurement of the size of the track. The use of GPS-navigators, as well as photo and video fixation should be allowed to minimize the "human factor", - says Sergey Aramilev, coordinator of the account and the program coordinator of WWF-Russia Amur branch biodiversity.
Despite the difficult climatic conditions, scientists have been able to carry out accurate monitoring "spotted cats." Accounting brought four joyous sensation and two alarm novosti.Minimalnaya number determined by the results of the accounting: 43-45 adults and 4-5 pups. In 2007 were counted 27-34 leopard. On the one hand - it's not good. But on the other hand, it is still too little for a sustainable population.
Scientists found that the leopard moved north. For many years, the river was Krounovka for leopards northern boundary of the range. Three years ago, a lone male leopard began to leave their mark on the territory of the regional reserve "Poltava". But this winter has been found here is a female with a kitten.
Leopard mastered new habitats. One litter was found much later in not typical leopard location at the mouth of the great river, where there is practically no forest. Here this winter was the high number of hares. Here, because of the deep snow in a lot of deer moved.
The leopard is found in the southern part of Russia - on the border with North Korea. No such cases have been noted in the last century.
A large number of leopard tracks found on the border of with China But take into account simultaneously on the Chinese side, unfortunately, could not take place. Last year it was possible to photograph at least 5 different leopards, and experts suggest the PRC dwelling from 8 to 11 cats in the Reserves Hunchun, Wangqing and Sougia.
Need to accelerate the process of creating a Russian-Chinese cross-border nature reserve, which will bring together six territories with a total area of over 6000 square kilometers, which would in the future to maintain a constant population of 70-100 Amur leopards, as well as a grouping of 25-30 tigers "- comments Director of the Amur branch of WWF Russia, PhD Yuri Darman.
The organizers would like to thank accounting border guards who took an active part in the surveys leopard territory entrusted to them. They helped accountant and technology, and excellent local knowledge, and security on the routes.
There are also disturbing news - the account showed 23 Amur tiger in the same area - in 2 times more than five years ago. There is reason to talk about tougher competition. Unfortunately, at the time of registration on the trail marked by two cases where tiger purposefully pursued leopard, and only the ability to rapidly climb the trees saved spotted cat from striped.
Records showed that during the last five years has been a redistribution of leopards within the existing range. For example, the Peninsula Gamow turned to desert in the availability of prey, and, of course, there is nothing to do leopard - reports spokesman Amur branch of WWF Russia Elena Starostin.