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Vladivostok apply for the prestigious basketball tournament

Vladivostok apply for the prestigious basketball tournament

Basketball club "Spartak-Primorye" filed in the Russian Basketball Federation official bid to host the "Final Four" Cup of Russia in Vladivostok.

The application of "Spartacus" has supported the governor of Primorsky Krai Vladimir Miklushevsky By sending a letter to the President of the RSE Alexander Krasnenkov .

"Spartak-Primorye" for the second year in a row won the right to participate in the "Final Four" of the Russian Cup. Last season the seaside team won the silver medal tournament. According to regulations, the decisive matches of the Cup of Russia must pass on 16 and 17 April. Place of "Final Four" will identify the department for organizing and conducting competitions RSE.

Vladimir Miklushevsky , Governor of the Primorsky Territory:

- Primor, despite the popularity of its residents as a professional basketball sport has never taken the finals of major tournaments. We now have the opportunity to fill this gap and to conduct on our site "Final Four" of the Russian Cup. All we need for that. Sure event of this magnitude will not pass unnoticed at the seaside sports fans.

Edward Sandler , General manager of BC "Spartak-Primorye":

- Conduct a "Final Four" Cup of Russia in Vladivostok - this is our priority. I am grateful to Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky for support. I think that the fans deserve to seaside see decisive matches of major nationwide tournament. Let me remind you that in all the basketball history of the region there has never held the finals. I believe that all participants of the "Final Four" wish to hold the tournament in the city, and Samara, Krasnoyarsk, and took it in the last two years. We have a huge country, and I do not see anything extraordinary in the fact that four teams will make a flight to Beijing for participation in the national tournament of such a high level.

Опубликовано:   15-03-2013, 11:23      |      Категория:  eng news

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