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Ty and his team Stivns Souljazz thwarted in Vladivostok storm of applause

Ty and his team Stivns Souljazz thwarted in Vladivostok storm of applause
Ty and his team Stivns
Visiting Beijing for the third time, stayed true to themselves. And each song is accompanied by a storm of applause.

The audience was not just for visiting stars, and the name and the music. Among the spectators were enough people who were at this event for the third time.
Although this performance is more appropriate not the word "concert", and such a thing as a "show." For here we have the original and filing, and the sound quality and the ability to subjugate the entire room.

Concert - at least for calls up the music and vocals. Parity relations vocalist and musicians - on the face. Ty Stevens
repeatedly giving the musicians to express themselves
. Each of them, and this keyboardist Richard Cummins, bassist Ron Monro, drummer Tony Lewis and guitarist Robert Taylor, gave a virtuoso on his instrument solos.

The concert - two offices and nearly two dozen songs
from musicals, individual songs and jazz hits, whose popularity has been around for decades

The famous American jazz vocalist Ty Stevens started on stage as a dancer. And its plasticity, the ability to move he uses on stage unashamedly. Many of his movements are fascinating. And each song, performed by Stevens - a real mini-play, where the full use voice, facial expressions and gestures.
manifested his gift of interactivity. It seems that the singer refers not just to all the viewers in the audience, but to each one individually. And this one is individually prepared and listen, and snap your fingers to the beat of the songs and sing along even without the vocal.

Viewers who go to Stevens, noted that every time he has a new meaning.
It is striking that many young concert.
Good English and quality as the selection, and in sound, the music do its thing.

The Internet caught the phrase, replicated in different sites, the three pillars on which today swings show Ty Stevens - an original musical material, fresh feed and recognizable style.
Take, for example, Unchain My Heart Joe Cocker or the famous song "Cabaret."
In the first case in the hall there was no quiet seats'. In the second case recognizable songs that everyone associated with Liza Minnelli, was a new color and a new sound. This time the man
, Despite 70 years of age, has not lost its freshness
The concert
Hollywood's unofficial anthem, part of the classical repertoire of the American stage, - Puttin 'on the Ritz. Standing ovation audience did not want to let go of the idol. Encore Stevens and his team performed
jazz standard 1930 - the famous Caravan Duke Ellington.
Communication musicians and spectators continued to lobby Philharmonic, where everyone could get autographs and take pictures with artist popular jazz vocalist.

After the speech in Vladivostok, Ty and his team Stivns
will give a concert in Nakhodka, and
on Sakhalin.

Опубликовано:   11-03-2013, 04:50      |      Категория:  eng news

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