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Vigilance policewoman Primorye helped detain the driver, a woman mauled

Vigilance policewoman Primorye helped detain the driver, a woman mauled

The region has addressed the issue of a criminal case under Article 264 part 2 of the Criminal Code against the driver of Lesozavodsk. Sanction involving deprivation of liberty for up to 4 years with the deprivation of rights for a period of 3 years.

The duty of the police department № 17 MOMVD Russia "Lesozavodsk" reported that about a woman hit by a grocery store. The driver of the vehicle fled the scene of an accident without helping the victim assistance.

For the examination of the scene and setting in place the culprit came along the road inspection service and investigative team. The victim was unconscious. Doctors "ambulance" was diagnosed with a brain contusion. Witnesses were not available, and to identify the culprit was difficult.

Helped to establish the identity of the offender professional care and vigilance of law enforcement officers. Came to visit relatives, the investigator Elena Tevyashova drew attention to their neighbor, who was behaving suspiciously. In his car, she noticed a broken windshield and a dent on the front bumper.

Calling the call center of Elena asked, not looking for a car of her colleagues. She also pointed to the address where the car made her suspicious.

The police immediately verify the information. It turned out that this is the car was wanted. On its surface were found traces of blood, which the owner was trying to hide.

The man admitted that, despite the fact that the day before with friends drank alcohol, got behind the wheel. This led to an emergency on the road. Realizing that brought down the woman, frightened and went home.

Now police are checking. Investigates the circumstances of the accident. The issue of a criminal case under Article 264 part 2 of the Criminal Code. Sanction of this article is punishable by imprisonment for up to 4 years with deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to three years.

Опубликовано:   8-03-2013, 05:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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