Special stage race "Expedition - Trophy 2013" will call on Friday
Next Friday, March 8 participants of the rally "Expedition - Trophy 2013" will arrive in Vladivostok.
Recall that the race in more than 16000 km was the following: Murmansk - Novgorod - Moscow - Ruyan-city (Tomsk Region) - Baikal - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok. The entire route has been divided into phases lasting between cities and some special stages - impassable, spectacular "battles" with snow and ice.
According to the organizers, this Saturday, March 9 participants will have to overcome the last leg of the race - the final special stage. Recall that the location of the special stage has been kept secret by the organizers. It will be called the day before the launch, on March 8.
Information on the location and time of the final race will be available on Online "Expedition - Trophy 2013".
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