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On the roads of Vladivostok in beta tested the system "Parkon"

In the first half of this year, the machine will be equipped with DPS systems videofiksatsii "Parkon." While they were tested in test mode on roads Vladivostok .

On the roads of Vladivostok in beta tested the system "Parkon"

The correct parking in capital Primorye trace the "Parkon"

Cars equipped with the system "Parkon" will begin work on the roads of the capital of Primorye in April of this year and in the future it is possible that they will be used in other cities of Primorye.

Violation of parking rules will fix an automated software system, and the inspectors will compile reports and to bring perpetrators to justice.

According to experts, a video recording system is good because it lacks a human element. The camera captures everything the car and sends a record to a central console. Then the offender is notified by e-mail, which is explained in a polite manner, for the infringement he will have to pay.

Опубликовано:   5-03-2013, 10:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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