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Bailiffs would take the debtor husky puppy

A resident of Primorye owe tax of about 17 thousand rubles. The requirements to pay off debts man did not react, and the bailiff went to his home.

Bailiffs would take the debtor husky puppy

The debtor would confiscate husky puppy

Debtor was not home, the door was opened by his mother. The woman said that all property belongs to her. Attracted the attention of the police officer Husky puppy, it turned out that this - the property of the debtor.

Bailiff seized the animal, and the debtor's mother had no choice but to pay the debt - said the press service VestiRegion.ru UFSSP Russia's Primorye Territory.

Опубликовано:   5-03-2013, 06:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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