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For a week the police recovered 10 Vladivostok gone home teen

For a week the police recovered 10 Vladivostok gone home teen

Police forces in each case of unauthorized withdrawal of teenagers from home or school to conduct a careful verification, immediately organized search. Study the causes and conditions that contributed to accidents involving children.

On 19 February, the police tracked down 12-year-olds, who left the house without permission. Attire PPP, patrol near the village of cypress, said the child, walking around without an adult. The boy spoke about the difficult situation in the family and asked for help. Now the teenager is at the center "Sail of Hope" under the tutelage of teachers and psychologists.

February 26th child neuropsychiatric hospital left two teenagers who were hospitalized with a diagnosis on the eve of "deviant behavior." Both are registered with the Inspectorate of the juvenile. Within two hours of the fugitives were tracked down by police and returned to the place.

On February 27 the duty of the MOI of Russia to Vladivostok received a complaint from a resident of a request to find her daughter. 10-year-old girl went to school and did not return home. In the course of investigation activities underage found in a building for recreation in the Leninsky district. The girl refused to go home, citing the mother's punishment. Juvenile inspectors decided to put schoolgirl in social rehabilitation center. Against her that will be decided by the law.

On February 28 the city police department received another message to parents of missing children: returning to work, they did not find her daughter. Orientation with the description of the missing child will was given to all police posts outside. The police tracked down the girl in the company of classmates and returned to parents.

From the children's home № 2 teens left the company, has repeatedly willfully leaves the institution. All students returned to the police in an orphanage.

Police officers found the missing teen in apartments classmates, railway stations, streets and doorways. Parents of their friends, they tell stories of how they were beaten at home and are not fed, satisfied drunken scandals. Adults believe the child and allowed to stay for a while, do not check the validity of his words. Meanwhile, police and family members are searching. In such situations it is necessary to call the child's parents, or seek advice from the juvenile division.

Juvenile inspectors believe that the situation when parents notice changes in behavior, frequent mood swings and unreasonable resentment - is serious reason to think. If you are having difficulty communicating with your child, you must seek professional help.

Опубликовано:   2-03-2013, 07:19      |      Категория:  eng news

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