Vladivostok is traditionally announced auctions for the right to lease municipal property. The next auction is scheduled for March 5 March 14 and March 19.
In total, the three auctions put 12 sites in different parts of the regional center. This space from 20 to 400 square meters, mainly in the first, ground and basement floors of buildings.
The proposed facilities can accommodate small trade businesses, household, health and fitness services, offices and warehouses.
Under the terms of the auction, the lease is for five years. A notice on the auction starting price of the contract assigned the lease rights, and the amount of monthly rent. And if the price of the contract in the course of the struggle of the auction bidders can grow, the monthly fee will remain unchanged for the duration of the lease.
The auction to be a few candidates, and one - then, in accordance with the law, with the sole shareholder agreement will be signed at the initial price.
By the way, entrepreneurs can take care of their business development and other municipal non-residential premises: complete list of free space available here . Today in the list - 57 addresses. If a subject is suitable, you must submit an application and documents to the management of municipal property, which will be held after the auction for the right to lease.
Recall in Vladivostok for several years of the open bidding system for the right to sell or lease the municipal area - on a regular basis and inform the streamlined procedure. Auctions are traditionally held in the saleroom ISU "Agency for sale of municipal land and property" (street of the Border, 12.)
Such an organization of trading and the effective management of municipal property is of great importance for the city: budget receives financial completion, the city becomes zealous property owners, and small business has the ability to successfully develop or acquire the right to lease the premises for an open and fair competition.
Any entrepreneur or interested person may inspect the facilities in advance, to assess the prospects of their use, apply and take part in the auction.
All information about the upcoming auction can be found at vlc.ru and torgi.gov.ru. Information: Tel. 8 (423) 261-43-85244-60-16. ISU "Sales Agency of municipal land and real estate."