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Administration of Vladivostok: bad weather did not affect the operation of public transport

Administration of Vladivostok: bad weather did not affect the operation of public transport

Today, March 1 weather in Primorye defines the cyclone with active front sections. During Vladivostok cloudy, snowing, snow on the roads roll, black ice. Wind northwest, north strong, very strong in the evening. Day temperature 0 -2 ° C.

According to the city administration, in spite of bad weather, the passenger transport Vladivostok works in daily routine - on a line of urban routes came 566 transport units, of which 10 trolleybuses, trams 10546 buses. Municipal buses come on line in full.

Morning due to the strong wind was canceled the first flight of sea transport. Popov. Flights to other destinations are being implemented according to schedule.

STSI Vladivostok encourages vehicle operators to exercise maximum caution to pay attention to the state of the roadway, change the style of driving, move at a reduced speed and avoid sudden maneuvers on the road, observe the speed limit and the safe distance between vehicles. DPS officers are advised not to travel on the roads of the city unless absolutely necessary, and do not park vehicles in the area of technology, serving the city roads. Pedestrians are advised to cross the road at designated SDA RF field, in order to avoid an accident, and do not stand at the edge of the roadway, as the car is on a slippery road may be subject to uncontrolled drift driver.

Опубликовано:   1-03-2013, 04:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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