In Primorye, eliminated drug delivery channel to a military unit
At the military base in the border region of Primorsky Krai, eliminated the supply chain of drugs. This press service UFSKN Russia's Primorye Territory.
Channel of delivery of drugs to the military unit Maritime blocked
Drug dealer arrested in part, with him found more than 15 grams of a mixture of tobacco with hash oil. Already been established that it is a local unemployed born in 1992.
Together with him and detained a minor, now drugs police find out whether he was involved to the spread of drugs. On the criminal case.
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The final competition will be held on June 11. Ilgizar SAFIULLIN take part in them in the national team of Russia. Recall Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky personally visited...
Заявитель рассказал, что в своей квартире на проспекте Блюхера обнаружил тела двоих мужчин с признаками насильственной смерти. Со слов заявителя, одним из погибших является его знакомый, который...
April 2 and 3 in the Closed Big Stone perfected practical measures to protect the population and territory of the accident on the radiation-hazardous facilities. as told in the press...
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