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"Admiral Panteleev" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus Photo: Press Service of the Pacific Fleet

Completed business visit detachment of Pacific Fleet ships led by the large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Panteleev" in the port of Limassol Cyprus.

May 18 Russian seamen taken on board at the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Cyprus Vyacheslav Shumsky.

Visiting Crew BOD "Admiral Pantea" Defense Minister visited the Republic of Cyprus Fotis Fotiu. On board the warship High luminance guest met a guard of honor. For the head of the military department was organized study tour and a meeting with the crew.

On Sunday, the Pacific Fleet visited by employees of the Russian Embassy in Cyprus and family members, on this day the ship is open to residents and guests of Limassol among whom were many of our compatriots.

During the period of his visit from 17 to 20 May for ekiapazhey squadron was organized dismissal and bus tours of the city during which the Pacific Fleet visited attractions in Limassol.

May 20 Russian ships left the hospitable port, and continued on active service in the Mediterranean.

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

\"Admiral Panteleev\" concluded his visit to Cyprus

Опубликовано:   21-05-2013, 15:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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